Fashion Gxd Magazine Present's " Up Next " With Ashley Lloyd International
Written By: Samantha Cee
Fashion Gxd Magazine Present's to you our "Up NEXT" Section . Our Features included Rising Businesses , Brands , and people who are acquiring Fame and international Recognition for pursing their purposes Our Next " Next UP" feature is from a Multi- talented eco-friendly womenswear designer , From The United Kingdom. Ashley Lloyd, whom is an exclusive, eco friendly, Ready-To-Wear brand creating luxurious female garments. Ashley Lloyd is a luxury dare for those who wear it, we pride ourselves in making women feel stylish and edgy so they can be admired by those who don't have the courage to do so. Take a look at our exclusive interview with the rising star .
Instagram /Twitter: (@AshleyLloyd_Int)
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photo provided by Ashley Lloyd International
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Fashion Gxd Magazine : How did the idea for your business come about?
Ashley Lloyd International: : Fashion is something I have always loved since I was a child, my Aunt used to collect Vogue magazine and as a child I was so fascinated with the artwork, models and clothing I literally escaped into another world. I loved going shopping with my Aunt and would help her get dressed when we had family functions to attend; after finishing school and studying fashion, fine art and performing arts I wanted to combine all the elements/trades I had picked up over the years. Creating my brand came naturally as it was something I had always wanted to do and using my family as inspiration and the strong females I surrounded myself with enabled me to not only create a fashion brand creating garments, but a brand that empowers women giving them strength and confidence when wearing my clothing. I want women to feel that even if they lack confidence my garments are all that’s needed to face a day in this crazy world.
Fashion Gxd Magazine : How do you find people to bring into your organization that truly care about the organization the way you do?
Ashley Lloyd International: Now that is hard, well first a passion for fashion is a must a lot of people look at the glitz and glamor and that’s all they see without actually realising how much hard work goes into running a brand. I have staff that are still with me today going strong because of their passion and drive and had others I have had to cut short. But in all honesty I feel that no one will care about your passion as much as you, if they work for you however they just need to work as hard as you do if they don’t why are they even there?
Fashion Gxd Magazine : What three pieces of advice would you give to college students who want to become entrepreneurs?
Ashley Lloyd International: My three advice tips to anyone but most importantly college students would be to work hard especially through your college years all that studying and research will help in the long run especially if you are studying within the field you actually want a career in. Always surround yourself with positive people, as negative energy can easily be transferred. And lastly to never give up, any business you go into will take hard work and dedication but as long as you remain focused and see the light at the end of the tunnel all will start to come into place. Always remember God has a plan.
Fashion Gxd Magazine :If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Ashley Lloyd International: If I'm honest absolutely nothing. I live by the motto everything happens for a reason, even if it’s something bad or a time that bring back pain I know that it was there to teach me something and I wouldn’t want to change that.
Fashion Gxd Magazine :What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Ashley Lloyd International:I would say Drive as you need to be passionate about what you do, determination as you will face many obstacles throughout your journey and you will need to dust yourself off and get back on the horse when challenges are ahead and lastly great communication skills as this can not only help in terms of staff and ensuring you're on top of things but making contacts which is a must for any business.
Fashion Gxd Magazine :What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?
Ashley Lloyd International: wow there have been quite a few if I'm honest over the years; from people I have done business with and it has not worked out well, to wasting money on products and materials but what I learned about these issues is that you need to go through some of the bad moments in business to strengthen you as a person, nothing comes easy in life and sometimes you are going to take trips and falls, but it’s all about how you get back on your feet, that’s the real lesson.
Fashion Gxd Magazine : How many hours do you work a day on average?
Ashley Lloyd International: I at least like to get 10 – 12 hours done a day most times it ends up being a lot more, but if you love what you do time is never an issue.
Fashion Gxd Magazine :Describe/outline your typical day?
Ashley Lloyd International: A typical day for me can vary especially during our seasonal collections; however I normally start work around 8 in the morning and like to check my emails and all social media first, my blog is updated on a daily basis so I jump straight into that with updates. I tend to have at least 3-4 meetings with my staff once a week so everyone knows what they are doing for the coming days and following week ahead and normally end the day with sewing or at least corresponding with our manufacturer about new products in the pipeline.
Fashion Gxd Magazine : How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
Ashley Lloyd International: To be honest not much, granted I would say I don’t get to spend as much time with them as I would like to, however my family keep me very grounded which I absolutely love they keep it real. I don’t like to have yes men around me I feel when you surround yourself with people that are not honest with you your whole being can change it can make the most humble person a total monster.
Fashion Gxd Magazine :What motivates you?
Ashley Lloyd International: being from a performing arts background it taught me to be very strict on myself and dedicated with everything I do but my biggest motivation I would say is my mum and my nan, I have seen them work so hard over the years and to be able to give them back all and more they have done throughout all the years for me is something I strive for, that’s my motivation.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: How do you generate new ideas?
Ashley Lloyd International:: I'm always looking at what’s trending from attending fashion shows to looking at what’s going on in the streets, hot spots like Shoreditch in London I love, I gain so much knowledge and inspiration just being there it reminds me a lot of Brooklyn which I absolutely love as there is so much culture and knowledge in the streets. When designing any collection I not only look at the particular theme we decide to go with I take time and great detail in researching every aspect of the theme before putting the knowledge I gain from everyday life and what research I collect and find a way to fuse the two which always works for me.
Fashion Gxd Magazine : What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?
Ashley Lloyd International: I have made so many sacrifices throughout my career from putting every last bit of money I had into making a successful business but also time away from my family. None of the sacrifices has been in vain however and has always paid off in the long run; as long as you work hard your sacrifices can become your blessings.
Fashion Gxd Magazine : Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?
Ashley Lloyd International: There’s so many things I want to do, Fashion has always been my first love and I would love to open a school which caters for the performing arts for kids of all ages, for those who may not be able to afford to go to the most prestigious performing arts schools but have a natural talent and just need the support behind them. Opening my own store, delving into other performing arts areas is also something I am fond of especially acting which is another passion of mine. I see myself being successful, your biggest enemy is yourself and as long as you don’t limit your ability or your dreams you will aspire to so much more. I always say speak it into existence and it shall be God has a plan for everyone and my journey is only beginning.