Industry Insider: SWEAR NYC CEO Interview for Fashion Gxd Magazine
Written By: Samantha Cee
Photo credit By @gemneyez_photography
This week we sat down with the rising brand SWEAR NYC. The reality is people SWEAR by the things they love & is how SWEAR NYC got its name. SWEAR NYC is a high quality natural ingredients luxury hair care line which promotes healthy hair and hair growth. The hard work and efforts put into creating the line by the owner, Tiffany Robertson was to create a spa-like feeling to invigorate consumer's hair. SWEAR NYC launched Nov 2019 and in a short few months after... the pandemic hit. It was now all about figuring out how to create a name for SWEAR NYC when the world is forced to be still. This sad current event could have discouraged Tiffany but instead she decided to rise to the challenge.
This is when the owner had to be creative about delivering content and products to the world. From door to door deliveries when beauty supply stores were closed, to online sales to stepping out of her comfort zone and engaging on social media more talking about all that SWEAR NYC has to offer. She utilized her time wisely. SWEAR NYC had to revamp quickly before really even getting started. The pandemic could have stopped this small business owner from striving but instead it was about overcoming the obstacles and pushing harder and her work ethics were proven. In a short time SWEAR NYC has managed to get into retailers in the UK & Canada, even before hitting retailers in the US. Take a look at our exclusive interview with the rising brand.
Why should people SWEAR IN to SWEAR NYC? It's simple! "Once you try SWEAR NYC you will love it", the owner says confidently. The more and more people SWEAR IN, the more people love SWEAR NYC for various reasons. Whether used to restore edges, to promote hair growth, fuller hair, for men's beards or to manage children's hair it has surpassed consumer's expectations. These are just a few reasons why people should SWEAR IN to SWEAR NYC.
Business IG: @swear_nyc & Owner IG: @iamtiffanyrobertson
How did the idea for your business come about?
SWEAR NYC came from a really dark place in my life. I had the idea while I was in my domestic marriage to develop a hair care line but honestly wasn't ready to execute the idea. The high stress levels of my life is when I developed alopecia and it was very discouraging especially since I was a person who always had long hair. Instead of putting the idea away I just researched the market instead. Taking the time to understand the analytics, market value & consumer demands was helpful to understand my market and how I was going to cater to them.
What three pieces of advice would you give to other children who want to become entrepreneurs?
SWEAR NYC is all about Philanthropy work, giving back and giving back to kids is a major component. The advice I would give to kids would be:
1. If you know what you want to be when you are older, you can do the work from now to make your dreams come true. Do not let anyone discourage you and talk to your parents about your ideas. If your parents can not help, seek a mentor to help guide you in the direction you want to go.
2. Failure is not final. Mistakes are issues you take accountability for, reevaluate what went wrong and make it better.
3. No matter where you come from, you can make it. I was born and raised in the Bronx, experienced a lot at a young age. My environment made me want more for my life and I was adamant to use that as motivation to achieve my goals without limitations.
If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I honestly would have started earlier, but everything happens in God's timing so I have no regrets.
What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur ?
Be Resilient No Matter the Obstacles
Research Your Market Thoroughly
Be Organic & Have Vast Knowledge of Your Field
How many hours do you work a day on average?
I honestly put a minimum of 12 hours a day whether it's social media, networking, taking workshops, speaking engagements, back office, customer service, answering questions, working on new projects etc... I am honestly never not working. You get out of the business what you put into. Growing a successful business is not going to happen from sitting around all day doing nothing. I also have a day job but I make sure I invest more time into my business than my 9 to 5 because I want the evolution of SWEAR NYC that bad
Describe/outline your typical day?
I wake up and do prayer and devotion to get my mind clear for the day.
I check emails and dm's responding to people
I jump on calls/webinars
I plan and strategize with my photographer/graphic artist to develop the next content for my business.
I spend some time on social media to engage.
I work on my upcoming projects.
Help my daughter with her school work
Network and more depending on what is on my calendar.
How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
It has strengthened my family. My son is a graphic artist so we bond a lot on the business side too. My daughter is very theatrical so she keeps me young and innovative with ideas. We do this as a family not as a one person team. They have their own ideas of things they are interested in and want to do and I support them through my business.
What motivates you?
My children are my biggest motivation. They help me stay focused on my goals everyday. On the days I want to give up they show me why I can not. My mom motivates me also. She is so encouraging and I always want to make my mom proud of how she raised me. The morals and values she embedded me to shape and mold the woman I am today. Being a teenage mom I always had so much to prove... I needed to prove that I was not going to be a statistic even though society said I would be one. I knew I had to embark this journey of success with my son by side and I did everything I needed to do to make sure my son wasn't going to be a statistic either by him being born to a teenage mom.
How do you generate new ideas?
I honestly pray on my business daily asking God to guide me in the direction I need to go. I brainstorm. I watch other businesses outside my genre of business. And I develop my own. I sometimes run my ideas through my network to get feedback and it helps me so much.
What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?
Finances & Time has probably been my biggest sacrifice but I believed in SWEAR NYC so much that it was a no brainer to do. I had to limit my social time out with family and friends in order to save money to invest in myself. So much money was spent on inventory, marketing tools, launch etc.. but it was worth it. Vacations unfortunately were limited for me, but not for my kids. They have traveled but I have stayed behind to focus on my business and it sucks because I wasn't around to create those memories with them but after CoVid hit my mind shifted to not sacrifice on areas which are most important to me.
Where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?
In 10 years I see SWEAR NYC as a household name. In retailers, nationally and internationally. I see SWEAR NYC as being one of the top natural ingredients hair care product line for people to SWEAR BY. I see SWEAR NYC helping families, business owners and the youth. Success is not just about winning but it's about pulling people with you and giving back.