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Pilar Scratch, EIC.

Celebrity stylist, TV personality, & author, Pilar Scratch is the Editor-In-Chief of Fashion Gxd Magazine. Established in 2015

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Industry Insider: Jayré Naturals  For Fashion Gxd Magazine

Industry Insider: Jayré Naturals For Fashion Gxd Magazine

Written By: Samantha Cee

This week we sat down with the rising entrepreneur Jayre Naturals. The rising brand is taking over their field and making a strong name for themselves. Take a look at out exclusive interview with the rising brand.

 Fashion Gxd Magazine: How did the idea for your business come about? Well, it started back in 2014 when my curiosity peaked and I searched “how to make soap” on  YouTube. Little did I know, that small speck of curiosity would turn into a fully functional  business. 

Fashion Gxd Magazine : How do you find people to bring into your organization that truly care about the organization the way you do? Even though I'm just one person that wears all the hats in the business, if I have to look for  employees, my biggest thing would be to make sure that their passion and dedication aligns  with me and my mission. 

 Fashion Gxd Magazine : What three pieces of advice would you give to other children  who want to become entrepreneurs? Firstly, please do not wait. If there's anything in life that you're passionate about, go for it  because you can literally monetize anything. Second, make sure you have all of your legal  obligations taken care of, like trademarks and licenses; they'll pay off in the end. And third, just  because one person is doing it, doesn't mean you can't do it either. The market may have  multiple people doing the same thing, but it doesn't have you. 

Fashion Gxd Magazine: If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?  The only thing I would do differently is start sooner. My only regret is that I waited too long to  make sure I had everything in order before I officially started, which honestly set me back. 

Fashion Gxd Magazine :What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur ?  Definitely consistency, persistence, and patience. Some days are gonna be smooth and some  days are going to be horrible, but as long as you have a passion for what you do, you can power  through it. 

Fashion Gxd Magazine :What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them? The main two that come to mind are investing in ads on social media without knowing how they  work, and again, not starting when I should have. I thought I could just throw money into an ad  and people would flock, but without knowing your target audience and demographic, you're just wasting money. So no, I make sure to research the platform before I invest money into it. 

Fashion Gxd Magazine: How many hours do you work a day on average? Jesus Christ... sometimes 4 hours a day, sometimes 16. Honestly at this point, whenever I wake  up or whenever I go to sleep. It's all worth it in the end.  

 Fashion Gxd Magazine: Describe/outline your typical day? When I wake, the first thing I do is check social media and emails. Next, I situate all of my pets  (I have 7) before I retreat to my office for I don't how many hours. Then, I start working on  various business related things, like networking on social media or my website, brainstorming  future projects, booking events, making products, etc. 

 Fashion Gxd Magazine : How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?  Honestly it hasn't. I thought it would affect some relationships but if anything, it affected my  life positively. I've never had such an immense amount of support and for that I'm grateful. 

Fashion Gxd Magazine :What motivates you? I want to be cliche and say “money”, but of  course it's more than that. It's the idea of having my  own while creating my own. I like the idea of creating a product that benefits me and my  community; a “better beauty brand” if you will.



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