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Pilar Scratch, EIC.

Celebrity stylist, TV personality, & author, Pilar Scratch is the Editor-In-Chief of Fashion Gxd Magazine. Established in 2015

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Fashion Insider: The New Fashion "It Girl" Brielle La Row

Fashion Insider: The New Fashion "It Girl" Brielle La Row

Written By: Samantha Cee

Brielle La Row is a custom-made women’s street fashion brand with an urban-glamorous aesthetic made for the fashion-forward women living in the city. This company was founded by Shayle’ Simon in 2017. Brielle La Row is a made-to-order company; We want to provide the best quality there is in womenswear. This brand focuses on creating personal styles rather than doing what’s trendy. Brielle La Row also provides services for custom designs added with a consultation. Take a look at our exclusive interview with the rising brand.

Instagram @briellelarow & Website: briellelarow.com

FGM: It’s an honor to sit down with you all. Tell us a little about your brand and how you’ve come to this vastly successful peek in your career.

Answer: Brielle La Row is a custom-made fashion brand with an urban glamour aesthetic. The style of mybrand is a mixture of my urban- edgy look, and my mother’s glamorous old money style. she’s inspiration behind my brand. I started in 2017 after getting my fashion design degree, I started off mainly creating custom pieces but I wanted to create a brand for myself.

FGM: Who are the clients/what are the projects that you most enjoy working on?

Answer: My ideal client is a fashion-forward urban city woman age ranging from 18-35. Projects that I love working on are freestyle designs. I love when clients give me creative control of everything.

FGM: How do you feel you make a difference in the world?

Answer: I don’t think I’ve made a difference in the world just yet but I’m trying to take steps towards it. I really hope to make an iconic moment in the fashion world.

FGM: Tell us about a time when you show determination to continue as an entrepreneur.

Answer: Being a entrepreneur takes a lot of time and dedication. I felt like I was missing out on tending

to my business because of my 9-5. I wanted to be sure I wasn’t going to fall off so I made a decision to take off working for a year to build my business up a bit.

FGM: Give me the three best qualities of your brand.

Answer: Three best qualities of my brand would be quality, authentic, and unique.

FGM: give me an example of when you worked irregular hours.

Answer: I try to juggle with working and being an entrepreneur. when I’m not working during the day, there are times when I’m up late hours just working on my brand.

FGM: Being an entrepreneur is a 24/7 job, how did you get ready for that?

Answer: Yes being an entrepreneur is a 24/7 job, but because I’m so in tune with making clothes it is something that I love to do so it doesn’t really feel like it’s a job it’s pretty fun.

FGM: How did you acquire the ability to work under pressure to beat meet deadlines as an


Answer: While working as a fashion designer assistant, I’ve learnt to manage stressful situations under pressure. Being able to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment has given me a huge advantage in my entrepreneurial journey.

FGM: What is your favorite inspirational point, or place, to develop new brand developments?

Answer: One of my all time favorite places to go to seek inspiration is the museum. I absolutely love art eras. My favorite era has to be the baroque period.

FGM: Which current public figure, are you inspired by or appreciate the most?

Answer: One of my favorite public figures that Inspires me is this wardrobe stylist by the name of Kelsey

Ashley. I love everything about her style, it’s unique and edgy.

FGM: How do you handle stress?

Answer: I think stress is my biggest combat when dealing with my business. I’m a big over-thinker, I stress over the smallest things. As I got a bit more experience, overthinking and overly stressing can be a block when trying to build my brand. I’ve learned that staying organized and staying positive can help a lot in stressful situations. My go to is creating a list of positive affirmations, it helps me a lot.

FGM: What are the three qualities you feel an entrepreneur must have?

Answer: Three qualities I feel an entrepreneur must have is passion and that’s number one. Having a

strong interest makes everything easier when building a business. The second quality is patience. Owning a business, you need a lot of patience, success and growth takes time. Number three is knowledge. Knowing your business is very important.

FGM: Where do you see your business in 10 years? How do you plan to get there?

Answer: In 10 years, I hope to see Brielle La Row being a successful and iconic brand. I hope that it makes a big difference in fashion culture. My overall goal as an entrepreneur to be successful is being persistent and dedicated at all times, to grow, and to get all the knowledge that I can get.

FGM: It was a pleasure speaking with you thank you for joining us.

Answer: Thank you, it was an honor speaking with you.

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