Inspiring Lives with Kreeation" CEO Sakreea Jackson For Fashion Gxd Magazine
Written By Samantha Cee
Kreeation is a art and fashion brand . Kreeation provides custom designs one of a kind and various artworks . Canvas originals , framed prints and hand-painted clothing . Kreeation is a artist brand to display the creative ideas by the owner Sakreea Jackson . Take a look as we get an exclusive interview with the creative genius behind the budding brand .
Instagrams : @Og_kree - personal page //@Kreeations_bykree - business page
Twitter : @SakreeaJ
Facebook Business Page : Kreeation
Knowing the woman behind the vast brand
Sakreea Jackson - CEO
Fashion Gxd Magazine : How did the idea for your business come about?
Sakreea (CEO):
My business came about from my passion for art and fashion . I’m currently attending LIM College
Majoring in Fashion Merchandising and I wanted to find a bond between my artwork and fashion studies.
That's when Kreeations was born because Kreeations ties in Art, Fashion, Music and Culture.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: How do you find people to bring into your organization that truly care about the organization the way you do?
Sakreea (CEO): Right now, I am an independent Artist and brand but when I expand in the future I want to find very creative individuals that bring more into my brand.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: What three pieces of advice would you give to other children who want to become entrepreneurs?
Sakreea (CEO): Three pieces of advice I would give to other children are 1. Always be yourself and don't let anyone tell you your ideas aren’t good enough. 2. Work hard in school because education is very important and find a balance between your brand and school always make sure both are well balanced. 3. Understand that entrepreneurial ship isn’t always easy or glamourous but it’s worth doing what you love and worth putting in all your effort 24/7.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Sakreea (CEO): Kreeations started in October of 2017 and I don't think there’s anything I would change about my brand thus far. I’ve been blessed to be in art shows, interviews, constantly working on new material and to get jackets to some of my favorite Musicians such as SZA, Princess Nokia and Justine Skye. Im sure as my brand goes on I probably will have a different answer but I feel wouldn't change anything yet.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Sakreea (CEO): Three top needed to be a successful entrepreneur are
Uniqueness – Always find a way to make yourself stand out from any other brand
Dedication – It’s important as the owner of any brand to show their dedication to their brand. It lets people know who serious you are about your work and they will respect you for your dedication
Humbleness – I think being Humble is very important when being an entrepreneur you have to be ready for any situation in life and your work. Being Humble about successes within your brand is very important and failures.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?
Sakreea (CEO): Some of my failures have been being fired from internships and jobs, sometimes not being able to afford some of my needs for my business, and failed friendships and relationships. I can say that I allowed any failure to translate into a success. Any failed experience that I’ve recently went thru I decided to paint about it and Its becoming my healing for fail circumstances. I believe that everything happens for a reason. My mother always taught me sometimes you have overcome things so when you get to your goal you can look back and appreciate that goal even more.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: How many hours do you work a day on average?
Sakreea (CEO):On a regular day, I say I work about 20 to 25 hours a day including school.
I always make sure I prioritize my school work and business work. I like to stay busy.
Im always looking for opportunities. When the day is done, I like to stay up late hours of the night like 2am to 5am
Those hours are my creative hours some of my best work starts around 2am.
Photo Provided By Sakreea Jackson
Fashion Gxd Magazine: Describe/outline your typical day?
Sakreea (CEO): A typical day I wake up and Pray and start my morning routine,
Then I go on my laptop see my school schedule and prepare myself for classes.
I do online and at school classes so some days I’m more on my laptop and somedays Im at school all day
After classes Then check my business email and Etsy account make sure orders and everything is up to date
If I have free time during the day I like to look for inspiration everywhere I can in the city.
I also love writing down ideas that pop up in my head If I get an idea through the day I always plug it into my phone notes so I can go back to it when I have time to create.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
Sakreea (CEO): Being an entrepreneur has made my family learn more about me and they have become very supportive of what I’m doing with my brand. I love that my mom is very proud of me. My mom told me that I inspire her to start working on her business. Hearing my mom say that makes me proud and to work even harder to reach more success in my brand
Fashion Gxd Magazine: What motivates you?
Sakreea (CEO):: I can say a lot motivates me. I’m surrounded by a lot of loving people and I have met a lot of wonderful artist. Seeing my friends and family succeed at what they love to do motivates me a lot. Even walking into museums makes me motivated to work on pieces of work because I see myself being in museums one day and working towards becoming an icon.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: How do you generate new ideas?
Sakreea (CEO): There are various ways that I can generate new ideas. I feel that recently my ideas have been coming from my experiences in life and people I look up to or admire. I love looking at the past I love everything from the 80s to the 90s such as films, vintage runways collections everything. I love that what I see from someone else’s creativity I can translate that into my own style.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?
Sakreea (CEO):: Back in September I took one of the biggest risk I feel like at a young age of 22. I quit my part time job at Urban Outfitters. I felt that I wasn't growing within the company and I didn't even like working there anymore. This was my only source of income and being a college student you need to be able to survive.
I have strong faith in God and I knew I wanted my brand and to start it at any cost. I can say Im happy I quit my job because now I have a job that is beneficial to me and it’s what I want to do. It’s tough at times for sure but money comes and goes and I think it’s important to do what you love.
Fashion Gxd Magazine: Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?
Sakreea (CEO): In 10 years I will be 32 years old. I want to be in a happy home and with a loving family of my own with my artwork all over the house. Business wise I want to be seen everywhere from museums, television, films, album covers and more. I want my work to be recognized at its full potential and for Kreeations to be a well-known name. 20 years from now I want to have a strong empire and to help the youth to grow into themselves and their creativity.