Fashion Gxd Magazine - Tiana Bain/ Lauryn Cosmetics | Print Issue Now Available
Written By: Samantha Cee
Lauryn Cosmetics has been making waves in the beauty industry since its launch, and the brand's CEO is now gracing the cover of Fashion Gxd Magazine. This is a significant achievement for both the brand and its founder, as they continue to make their mark in the cosmetic world. With a focus on luxury and quality, Lauryn Cosmetics offers a range of lip products in multiple shades that can effortlessly take you from day to night. Let's take a deeper look at the brand and its inspiring leader who is taking the beauty world by storm.
FGM: It's an honor to sit down with you all. Tell us a little about your brand and how you've come to this vastly successful peek in your career.
Answer: It’s an honor to be here. Thank you so much for having me. My cosmetic line, Lauryn Cosmetics previously known as Lips by Lauryn, was inspired by my three-year-old daughter, Lauryn Rose. I was on the parent association committee at her school and we were fundraising so I thought about ways that we could give parents an item in exchange for donations. As I thought more about what that would be, I decided to go with something that always reminded me of Lauryn. You see, my daughter always had this habit of going into my purse and playing with my lip gloss and so I decided that I would start a lip line. Surprisingly enough, what was initially a side project for fundraising turned into a passion for entrepreneurship that I didn’t even know existed. And here we are today! I can honestly say motherhood changed my life.
FGM: Who are the clients/what are the projects that you most enjoy working on?
Answer: I would say that I mostly enjoy sampling new shades, creating limited edition shades and rolling out new products that I know my consumers will love. I honestly tell the people around me all the time to send me selfies when they wear the product because it continues to push and motivate me.
FGM: How do you feel you make a difference in the world?
Answer: Well that’s a loaded question haha. I would say that my company originated because of philanthropic efforts. While I may not have made a ton of money in the beginning, I used what I made to get Halloween costumes for children at the school whose parents may not have had the resources to do it. I also used my profits to donate items for events at the school and I was super proud of it. Kids always remember when they feel left out and I am glad that I was able to minimize the impact that missing out could have had on those kids. And as my company grows, I hope to be able to triple my efforts in those areas.
FGM: Tell us about a time when you showed determination to continue as an entrepreneur
Answer: Many will tell you that the beauty industry is a very saturated market. They will also tell you that in order to win you need to have low pricing or that you’ll probably not see success because of who your competitors may be. When I first started, my orders were very few and far in between. But I continued to post, promote and invest even when the numbers weren’t reflective of what I was putting in. All successful companies have to start somewhere and I’m paying my dues the same way that most others have. However, the fear of not trying at all and being regretful was astronomically greater than trying and failing. That said, I take everything one day at a time and I constantly tell myself that success does not come overnight.
FGM: Give me the three best qualities of your brand
Answer: My brand is affordable. My brand has amazing quality! My packaging is compact so that it can easily fit into your bag when you are on the go or traveling with a small bag.
FGM: Give me an example of when you worked irregular hours.
Answer: Aw man, when I did my recent rebranding, I was up at 3am consulting with my vendors multiple times a week. I was up checking everything on the backend with my website. It was as if sleep was becoming a distant memory for me.
FGM: Being an entrepreneur is a 24/7 job, how did you get ready for that?
Answer: That’s a great question! To be transparent with you, for me, there’s no rule book to entrepreneurship. So I wake up everyday with a purpose and an agenda. I then manage my time and my bandwidth in accordance with that and I take all failures as lessons. I don’t dwell on failures, I allow them to fuel my future successes and I think that’s what works the best for me.
FGM: How did you acquire the ability to work under pressure to beat meet deadlines as an entrepreneur ?
Answer: I would say that my career in the corporate setting set me up for success working under pressure. Setting realistic goals and having time management allowed me to either meet deadlines or exceed expectations by having things ready ahead of schedule.
FGM: What is your favorite inspirational point, or place, to develop new brand developments?
Answer: When I want to clear my mind, I like to go to the dog park. I love animals and it takes my mind off of everything. Then I come home, I sit at my office space and I go through each area that I need to focus on one by one. Then I bring it all together and that typically helps me.
FGM: Which current public figure, are you inspired by or appreciate the most?
Answer: I would say Rihanna. What she was able to accomplish with Fenty was astonishing and it motivated a lot of young entrepreneurs, especially ones of color to go after their dreams.
How do you handle stress?
Answer: I have a motivation and affirmation app on my phone. Every two hours it sends a push notification with a new quote that helps me stay on track. I also love me a tall glass of red wine if things get too hectic!
FGM: What are the three qualities you feel an entrepreneur must have?
Answer: Confidence, adaptability and communication would be my top three qualities of a well rounded entrepreneur. Confidence is key. If you don’t believe in your product how can you expect others? Adaptability because things always change no matter the industry and you need to be able to pivot accordingly. Lastly, communication. The best leaders are great communicators. How you communicate with your consumers, clients, and employees can make or break your business.
FGM: Where do you see your business in 10 years? How do you plan to get there?
Answer: In the next ten years, I pray that my business is at a multi-million dollar stage with consumer retention rates that break records. I see my products being available at major retailers all over the nation and even having my own storefronts God willing. I plan to get there by being consistent, networking, praying and mentoring with experienced professionals in the industry.
FGM: It was a pleasure speaking with you thank you for joining us
Answer: Thank you for having me. I hope to be back in the near future and that you try out Lauryn Cosmetics. I am confident that you would love it!

By Pilar Scratch in Entrepreneur cover for Fashion Gxd Magazine
32 pages, published 2/5/2024